• FREE Standard Shipping within Australia on ALL orders.
  • FREE Click and Collect available by request
  • $20.00 AUD - Express Shipping within Australia  

  • Items are shipped via Australia Post delivery service. Please allow 3-5 days for your order to be dispatched.
    Delivery time is calculated in business days from time of dispatch and can vary on your location. Please see approx. delivery timeframes below.


    STANDARD SHIPPING within Australia (5-10 business days)
    EXPRESS SHIPPING within Australia (1-3 business days)



    • You will received an email with your tracking information as soon as your item/s has been dispatched.
    • If you would like to know where your order is after it has left RLC head office, please contact Australia Post with your tracking details for further assistance.
    • If you misplace your tracking number please contact out team and we will be more than happy to assist.

    *Please note unfortunately we cannot be held accountable for any lost, damaged or misplaced item/s once they leave our HQ's. 


    • Local pick-up is available by request only.
    • Please call or text us on 0423 399 928 or send us a Facebook/Instagram message to arrange this before placing your order.

    If you have any questions or require further assistance please don't hesitate to get in touch during business hours.